
Filing a Personal Injury Claim for Whiplash After a Car Accident

Whiplash is a common injury resulting from minor to severe auto accidents. Compensatory damages for whiplash injuries may be filed when an accident involves a negligent driver. If you’ve been in an auto accident and have already suffered whiplash injuries, you should seek immediate medical attention. Then call our office for information about filing a personal injury claim. What is whiplash? Whiplash is common among victims who are involved in rear-end collisions. The term whiplash is a non-medical term that refers to the rapid backward and forward motion that can occur during an auto accident. Rapid movement can cause damage to the soft tissue of the neck. What are the symptoms of whiplash? A wide range of symptoms can occur with whiplash, including headaches or migraines, neck pain, back pain or stiffness, blurred vision, and difficulty sleeping. Sometimes, people don’t realize they have received a whiplash injury due to a

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